Our CSA Model

Our CSA Model

The traditional CSA is setup so that the consumer shares in the “risk/reward” along with the farmer. For example, if there is a hailstorm and half of the produce for that week is ruined the consumer will only receive half of the items. However, in our CSA model we have eliminated that risk for you, the consumer. For example, if we have a hailstorm and half our produce is ruined, we will work together with other local farmers (who share the same growing practices as us) to ensure that you still receive the guaranteed amount of items in your CSA box.

Share Sizes

We have two share sizes available through our CSA, as well as two delivery frequencies.

Half share (weekly or bi-weekly): You will receive between 4 and 7 items each time guaranteed! This share size is suitable for couples, and families with small children. Half shares are available in the spring, summer, and fall seasons. The spring share is only available in this size due to most vegetables coming from the greenhouse. Choose to receive your share every week or every other week.

Full share (weekly or bi-weekly): You will receive between 8 and 12 items each time guaranteed! This share size is suitable for larger families, families with some grown children, vegetarians, and those who like to preserve part of the harvest. Full shares are available for the summer and fall season. Choose to receive your share every week or every other week.

Share Seasons

We have 3 share seasons available through our CSA.

Spring: The spring share runs for 12 weeks from April 1 - June 17. Common spring share items include lettuce, salad mixes, spinach, radish, kale, green onions, peas, beans, and herbs. It is available in the half share size, weekly or biweekly.

Summer: The summer share runs for 14 weeks from June 24 - September 23. Common summer share items include beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, cabbage, corn, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, peas, potatoes, peppers, swiss chard, tomatoes, squash, zucchini and so much more! It is available in the half share or the full share, weekly or bi-weekly.

Fall: The fall share runs for 12 weeks from September 30 - December 16. Common fall share items include beans, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, salad mixes, spinach, peas, potatoes, winter squash, onions, canned goods and more! It is available in the half share or full share, weekly or bi-weekly.

Add-on Subscriptions

Eggs: We purchase farm-fresh eggs from a local family who raise their chickens with a similar value system to us. Available to add to the spring, summer, and fall shares.

Receiving Your Share

We have two options for receiving your share. Option one is to pick-up. This will be at the farm located near Picture Butte. Option two is to have it delivered to your door. This is available within a 30km range from the farm for a charge of $7. Towns within 30km include Coaldale, Lethbridge, Coalhurst, Nobleford,  Diamond City, Picture Butte, Iron Springs, and everywhere in between.

Prices and Payment Plans

We have 3 different payment options available.

Option 1: Sign up for one or more shares at once. Pay this amount in full at signup.

Option 2: Sign up for any share/shares you want. Pay 50% upon signup, and 50% halfway through the growing season.

Option 3: Sign up for any share/shares you want. Pay 25% upon signup, and have the remaining amount split into monthly payments through the growing season.

Click here to view our share options.